EcoWatch tips on tackling plastic pollution at sea | Triton

2022-08-13 02:26:27 By : Ms. Lisa Gao

Around 80% of marine debris and pollution is plastic, according to Pew Research. The Plastic Disclosure Project estimated that 33% of all manufactured plastic is only used once, and according to an EPA report, “every bit of plastic ever made still exists.” Yet, less than 9 percent of it is recycled.

An elementary concept to positively impact the environment is the buzz phrase: “Reduce, reuse, recycle.” But since most of the plastic litter on Earth and in our oceans can be linked back to a small number of multinational corporations, the largest impact in helping our environment will depend on holding those corporations accountable. According to Greenpeace. org, recycling alone will never solve the plastic and pollution crisis our society is facing. So what can you do?

One thing everyone can do to contribute to the fight against ocean plastic pollution is to resist and reduce the use of single-use plastics, such as plastic bags, plastic bottles, and plastic utensils.

Another ocean contaminant is microbeads and parabens, which are found in cosmetic products like face washes, toothpaste, and body washes. Look at the ingredient list and if you see “polyethylene” or “polypropylene,” you should avoid it.

When grocery shopping, bring reusable grocery bags. Instead of using thin plastic produce bags, opt for reusable produce bags as well. If you enjoy drinking out of straws, try using metal or reusable straws. They’re widely available and easy to clean, and you can use them hundreds of times.

When provisioning, buy in bulk. Opt for a large tub of yogurt instead of single- serving containers, or trail mix in one large container rather than individually wrapped single servings. This is a simple step that can make a big difference.

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